Frequently Asked Questions

My blog is full of entries and links to help people gain a realistic sense of what goes into a trek up Africa’s highest mountain. Below are short answers to frequently asked questions, along with links to longer answers.

What made you decide to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

When I visited East Africa in August 2012, a good friend first mentioned his plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, and he invited me to join him. Read more here.

When is the climb?

The climb is January 21-28, 2013. Also, check out the countdown timer to the right, just under the photo of me in front of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Where is Mount Kilimanjaro?

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, East Africa. I included a map of Mount Kilimanjaro here, although you will need to zoom out to get a better view of its location within Africa. For a sense of where Mount Kilimanjaro is within Africa, click here. If you have Google Earth, then the maps and driving directions at this link could be a lot of fun!

Have you done this sort of thing (climbed mountains) before?

Not on this scale. I have, however, hiked other mountains.

What have you done to prepare physically to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Among other things, I have done a lot of running.

Will you need to use ropes and pickaxes?

No. We will be able to walk to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is not a technical climb. See more on this here.

What kind of gear will you take with you?

I will need clothing for a range of temperatures and conditions (see posts here and here). We have hired guides, porters and people to prepare food. I intend to take my camera and come away with lots of photos.

What is the fundraiser all about?

The Kilimanjaro climb accompanies a larger purpose: to help Engineering Ministries International in East Africa (eMi: East Africa) raise funds toward a needed office that will enable them to serve people in East Africa better. I wrote about the purpose of this office in this post.

What does eMi: East Africa do?

Engineering Ministries International is a non-profit Christian development organization made up of architects, engineers and design professionals who donate their skills to help people around the world step out of poverty and into a world of hope. Check out sample projects on their page; see sample projects here or here; or watch a video of how their work builds into people.

How can I help financially?

Follow the instructions you find by clicking here. Please know that 100% of donations go to help eMi: East Africa. None of your donations go toward my flight to Africa or the climb itself. Friends of eMi generously agreed to help with my expenses, as incentives for joining the climb and helping with the fundraiser. If people give $5,895 – a dollar (USD) per meter of Kilimanjaro’s elevation – I plan to add a significant amount to the total. See more on this here and here.